
Strengthening governance and implementing the trade facilitation agreement


Action 4.1 – Ensure the steering of the roadmapActivity 4.1.1: Elaborate a Communication strategy for the Roadmap2021-2021CONAFE (Lead body) PM’s OfficeExecutedReport of the CAH approved by the Chair of CONAFE and the PM/HG
Activity 4.1.2: elaborate project fact sheets2021-2021CONAFE (Lead body) PM’s OfficeOngoingProject fact sheets elaborated but are yet to be updated
Activity 4.1.3: Mobilise financing for the activities of the Roadmap 2021-2021CONAFE (Lead body) PM’s OfficeOngoingDraft funding strategy elaborated (costs and sources of funding identified, related funding to be mobilised)
Activity 4.1.4: Monitor and evaluate the Roadmap2021-2025CONAFE (Lead body  ) PM’s OfficeOngoingThe draft monitoring-evaluation strategy elaborated, update of the organic framework engaged with a view to implementing an ideal institutional monitoring-evaluation framework   
Activity 4.1.5: monitor the functioning of CONAFE2021-2025CONAFE (Lead body) PM’s OfficeExecutedContinuous and effective activity in 2021
Action 4.2 – Make trade  facilitation a  development priority by introducing it into Cameroon’s
development policy

Activity 4.2.1: Finalize the Roadmap and ensure government validation2021-2021CONAFE (Lead body) PM’s OfficeExecuted 
Activity 4.2.2: Integrate the implementation programme of the TFA into the post GESP2021-2021MINEPAT (Lead body  ) CONAFE PM’s Office  ExecutedThis integration is effective, through NDS30 and the Circular of the Head of State relating to the preparation of the State Budget. Through the National Development Strategy 2020-2030 (NDS30), Government has reaffirmed its willingness to see to the effective implementation of pertinent trade facilitation measures, the full national strategy relating to the African Continental Free Trade Area (Fact) In the Circular relating to the preparation of the State Budget for the 2020 fiscal year, the President of the Republic instructed the continuation of efforts to facilitate trade and reduce delays for the passage of goods, in order to increase the competitiveness of our ports and airports.  
Action 4.3 – Popularize and promote the ownership of the Trade Facilitation Agreement

Activity 4.3.1: Organize workshops2021-2025CONAFE (Lead body) PM’s OfficeNot executedPopularization strategy elaborated in 2021 – carried over to 2022
Activity 4.3.2: Produce information brochures on the TFA2021-2025CONAFE (Lead body) PM’s OfficeNot executedPopularization strategy elaborated in 2021 – Carried over to 2022
Activity 4.3.3: Produce memos on TFA for target structures2021-2025CONAFE (Lead body  ) PM’s OfficeNot executedPopularization strategy elaborated in 2021 – Carried over to 2022
Action 4.4 – Ensure regular production and publication of data on trade facilitation   Activity 4.4.1: Elaborate and update the Roadmap indicators  2021-2025CONAFE (Lead body  ) PM’s OfficeOngoingA first deliverable produced by CAH on the implementation of the NRTF in 2021 Finalization of the elaboration of indicators and ownership of tools in 2022
Activity 4.4.2: Regularly conduct a sequence analysis2021-2025CONAFE (Lead body  ) PM’s OfficeOngoingContinuation of the calculation of global shipping time for containers in 2021 – Resumption of sequence analyses in 2022
Activity 4.4.3: Regular update of portals intended for the publication of trade     information by focal points2021-2025CONAFE (Lead body  ) PM’s Office  ExecutedLead body  MINCOMMERCE Technical Support  GUCE (www.cameroontradeportal.cm) and CNSC (www.cameroontradehub.cm) – Activity effective in 2021 for the two structures – Continuation of the activity in 2022
Action 4.5 – Designate a national coordinator in charge of the international transit of goods  Activity 4.5.1: Elaborate a draft regulatory instrument defining the status and missions of the national transit coordinator 2021-2021CONAFE (Lead body) PM’s Office MINTNot executedTraining of transit coordinators conducted in 2021 with a view to implementing this activity in 2022
Activity 4.5.2: Designate a national transit coordinator2021-2021CONAFE (Lead body  ) PM’s Office MINTNot executedCarried over to 2022
Action 4.6 – Conduct a Time Release Study (TRS)

Activity 4.6.1: Assess the implementation of recommendations from the  2017 TRS 2021-2024CONAFE (Lead body  ) PM’s Office DGD/MINFINot executedExecution of the action plan started – Assessment carried over to 2022
Activity 4.6.2: Carry out and publish TRS every two (2) years2021-2024CONAFE (Lead body  ) PM’s Office DGD/MINFI Carried over to 2023 Examine the possibility of extending the scope of action of the upcoming TRS to include transit
Action 4.7 – Establish a strategy to coordinate the publication of information through available trade information portals   Activity 4.7.1: Elaborate a procedures manual on the updating of trade information portals 2021-2021MINCOMMERCE (Lead body) CONAFE PM’s Office  Ongoing– Manual on the coordination of information designed by MINCOMMERCE in 2021. – MINCOMMERCE set up a Steering Committee to coordinate the publication of trade information. The CNSC and the GUCE are members of this committee – In 2022: Update and disseminate the Manual
Activity 4.7.2: Create an information point2021-2021MINCOMMERCE (Lead body) CONAFE PM’s Office    Not executed  Carried over to 2022 Possibility allowed for the establishment of several information points
Action 4.8 – Revise the Chad- Cameroon and CAR-Cameroon bilateral agreements 

Activity 4.8.1: Review bilateral agreements on interstate transit of goods2022-2025MINT (Lead body) MINREX CONAFE PM’s OfficeExecuted – Draft agreements revised and forwarded to Chad and CAR for observations – CMR-CAR: Agreement returned to MINREX for joint commission discussions – CMR-CHAD: Reaction from Chad still awaited
Activity 4.8.2: Initiate negotiations with Chad and CAR2022-2025MINT (Lead body) MINREX CONAFE PM’s OfficeNot executed – Meetings of main joint commissions expected – Urge the convening of these meetings in 2022 (Invite MINREX to meetings of the Technical Secretariat)
Action 4.9 – Establish review procedures related to quality control tests during importation  Activity 4.9.11: Elaborate a procedures manual on quality control during importation 2021-2022CONAFE (Lead body) PM’s Office Administrator and border control bodiesExecuted– Include MINMIDT and ANOR as implementing bodies; – MINMIDT published a Press Release presenting the terms and conditions for the application of the PECAE programme as from 15 November 2021; – In 2022, finalise the dematerialization of related procedures (ANOR, GUCE, DGD, SGS, INTERTEK)
Activity 4.9.2: Sign an instrument defining procedures for quality control 2021-2022CONAFE (Lead body) PM’s Office Administrator and border control bodiesExecuted  MINMIDT published a Press Release specifying the terms and conditions for the application of the PECAE programme as from 15 November 2021;
Action 4.10 –  Operationalize the programme for Authorised Economic Operators (AEOs) 

Activity 4.10.1: Organize an annual workshop on AEOs  2021-2025DGD/MINFI (Lead body) CONAFE PM’s OfficeNot executed 
Activity 4.10.2: Sign a text determining the terms and conditions for the approval of AEOs2021-2025DGD/MINFI (Lead body) CONAFE PM’s Office  OngoingDraft decree elaborated, and pending the approval of the dedicated Inter-ministerial Working Group, for transmission to the PM’s Office for signature. The scheduled deadline of the Working Group is January 2022.
Activity 4.10.3: Elaborate and implement an AEOs programme2021-2025DGD/MINFI (Lead body) CONAFE PM’s OfficeOngoing– Draft Road Map elaborated by the dedicated Working Group and approved by MINFI in 2021; – Implementation as from 2022
Activity 4.10.4: Implement the AEOs steering project.2021-2025DGD/MINFI (Lead body) CONAFE PM’s OfficeNot executedThe pilot phase is structured; enterprises to be included in the pilot phase have been selected Planned for 2022