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21st session of the Technical Secretariat of the National Trade Facilitation Committee (CONAFE)


21st session of the Technical Secretariat of the National Trade Facilitation Committee (CONAFE)

21st session of the Technical Secretariat of the National Trade Facilitation Committee (CONAFE) On the instructions of the Chairperson of the Stra

21st session of the Technical Secretariat of the National Trade Facilitation Committee (CONAFE)

On the instructions of the Chairperson of the Strategic Orientation Committee, Mister OKONO EBANGA Serge Dimitri, Coordinator of the Technical Secretariat of CONAFE, chaired the 21st session of this body, held on Thursday, 8 June 2023 from 10:30 a.m. at Hôtel SAWA in Douala. The main points on the agenda included: (i) the adoption of the report of the 20th session, held in Douala on Wednesday, 28 December 2022; (ii) the evaluation of the implementation of recommendations from this session; (iii) the review of the evaluation document on the implementation of the National Roadmap on Trade Facilitation (NRTF) which is an outcome of the deliberations of the 2nd sessions of the Specialized Committees, held on 12 and 13 April 2023; (iv) the review of specific quick-win actions identified by the Specialized Committees; (v) other matters.