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The Development of the National Roadmap on Trade Facilication in Cameroon

Effective  trade  facilitation  requires  collaboration  and  coordination  among  all  actors  in  the supply chain.  The  Government  is  committed  to  ensuring  this  synergy  of  actions  within  the framework of strategic planning based on the National Roadmap on Trade Facilitation (NRTF). This roadmap is an implementation of the UNECE, UNCTAD and ECCAS recommendations on trade facilitation. The roadmap is a strategic planning tool that provides a consensual vision and also promotes continuity of Government actions in the implementation of reforms. It serves as a reference tool for international donors for the provision of financial and/or technical assistance to various trade facilitation projects.

In the context of the development of the NRTF, Cameroon benefited from UNCTAD’s support through  the  National  Committees  on  Trade  Facilitation  Capacity  Building  Programme (PRCNFE), launched in 2016. Over  the 2017-2018 period, NTFC members  followed  this  vocational  training  programme, which covered the following topics:

–  “International standards and recommendations for trade facilitation”, from 9 to 12 May 2017;

–  “how  to  measure  and  implement  trade  facilitation”,  from  12  to  15 December 2017;

–  “how to write a roadmap for trade facilitation”, from 26 February to 1 March 2018.

In addition, four NTFC members were selected for the training of trainers workshop held on 26  November  2018  in  Addis  Ababa,  Ethiopia,  on  the  margins  of  the  first  African  Forum  of National Trade Facilitation Committees, held from 27 to 29 November 2019 in that city. The roadmap was prepared on the basis of the results of the activities carried out during the above-mentioned  workshop,  organized  by  UNCTAD  in  February/March  2018  in  Douala, supplemented by a series of national workshops, organized by NTFC, with the logistical support of ECCAS. In  addition,  the  final  drafting  of  the  Roadmap  took  into  account,  in  addition  to  UNCTAD’s relevant methodology, the requirements of the Methodological Guide for Strategic Planning in Cameroon for the preparation of development strategies.

In  short,  this  roadmap  is  a  dynamic  document  that  includes  a  vision  based  on  identified objectives and actions over a five-year period (2020 – 2024).